Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease, so the symptoms may begin slowly and difficult to identify. Among different areas in the brain, often damaged first, are the hippocampus and it’s connected structures. The hippocampus plays a critical role in learning and memory. Alzheimer’s is also the most common form of Dementia.

Dementia refers to cognitive impairment and struggles with daily life and activities. Alzheimer’s (Dementia) is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States and is not a part of normal aging.


  • Consume more foods that are healthy for the brain and body: green leafy vegetables, walnuts, turmeric – to name a few
  • Play games that challenge your brain: dominoes, checkers, memory, or digital Lumostiy (to name a few)
  • Get a baseline for your mental health (check w/ a neurologist)
  • Hydrate your brain – DRINK WATER
  • Get natural vitamin D from the sun
  • Socialize with positive people
  • Sleep (7-8 hours per night)
  • Exercise (15-30 minutes)
  • Express Gratitude
  • Seek Therapy
  • Meditate
  • Read

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