Mental illness and Alzheimer’s are puzzling diseases that are leaving many highly skilled and trained professionals pondering about how to prevent, treat and cure them.  In 2020, during the pandemic, like most people globally, my daughter and I were mentally constipated.  This included, but wasn’t limited to: depression, anxiety and stress, which are risk factors of Alzheimer’s. Searching for relief, I discovered the benefits of writing down what you’re grateful for and witnessed the positive outcomes. Because of that, I was able to take my desire to improve my daughter and I mental health and turned it into a passion with a purpose to help others.

PUZZLED2020, LLC was birthed during the Pandemic (2020) due to an alarming rise in mental illness, globally. Because we want to broaden the availability of our services and tools to those who need them most, we provide impactful solutions and affordable tools to government, professionals, and individual clients.

We engineer and manufacture interactive gratitude gifts which are stationary products backed by research that help improve cognitive function, relieve symptoms of mental illness, and lessen risk factors of Alzheimer’s Disease. Our gratitude banks and journals are scientifically proven to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, while increasing emotional intelligence, improving memory, and boosting overall mental wellness.

Gratitude is a powerful human emotion. According to studies conducted by UC Berkely, Harvard, and UCLA the physical act of writing down what you’re grateful for can help reduce stress, depression, anxiety, improve relationships, improve memory, and boost overall mental health. Also, a study conducted in 2003 found that people slept an average of 30 minutes more each night, and increased happiness. The things you list can be small in significance (grateful for no traffic on my way to work today) or large (grateful for a healthy beating heart that helps carry fresh oxygen to my brain). The goal of the exercise is to help you write, relax, and remember.

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PUZZLED2020, LLC is the parent company responsible for several brand extensions. This includes our gratitude products/services  found on our SHOP Page or on Amazon. PUZZLED is an educational, inspirational and entertaining mental wellness and Alzheimer’s awareness documentary focusing on people under the age of 65 and spotlighting African American women which are twice as likely than the national average to get Alzheimer’s. And, TAG, acronymed for teaching all gratitude, is  a program for students grades 6-8 that provides hands-on products to aid in optimal mental health through teaching gratitude.

If you are interested in having your school/organization participate in our TAG program, please visit the TAG (hyperlink TAG) page and/or contact info@puzzled2020.com  

If you or someone you know need memory care services or caregiver training for a loved one suffering with Alzheimer’s, please visit our CONTACT Page (hyperlink CONTACT) or send an email to info@puzzled2020.com